It's Wednesday afternoons that get me. Last year, Wednesday was our short day at school, and my internal clock just can't make the switch to early Fridays, so it's always a disappointment when 1:00 rolls around and I remember I've got 2 hours to go. By Wednesday, I'm not in the mood to iron anything, and then later, I'm depressed about my wrinkles. The planned outfits have flown out the windown, and I usually forget my lunch.
This seems to be the general attitude throughout the whole classroom, actually. Monday means a clean slate, a chance at a detention free week, a chance they might win their football/volleyball game, a chance at an A. By Wednesday, half the class has a detention, they've lost the game and gotten a B.
So I am thankful for Mondays, because I'm not going to feel this much optimism again until Friday.
(An outfit photo and a detail shot I feel kind of silly about)
Shirt: Target
Skirt: Vintage/thrifted
Shoes: Steve Madden
I was informed by one of my students (again) that I used to dress cool, now I'm like an old lady.
Wait till they see my keds. Ha.
After school, I went to the Goodwill which is conveniently located just across the street, and boy, am I glad I did. Have you ever gone into a thrift store thinking, wow, wouldn't it just be amazing if I just walked in here and randomly found something like ______? And then, before you even really had time to finish your thought, THERE IT IS? That's what happened to me. I recently fell in love with silk blouses, but often find them to be very dull. Today, I was musing over how nice it would be to find something a little more unique, when lo and behold, there it was. A vintage silk shirt.
No picture till I wear it, but I will say this: It was a very timely find!
I love great thrifting finds. It will be fun to see what you bought.
That blouse is so cute! I love thrifting.
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