Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1/90

Consumed calories: 1190 out of a max 1200!
Carbs: 129g
Fat: 53g
Protein: 73g
Workout completed: P90x Core Synergistic

Well. Not too bad today. I was pretty heavy in protein, but a high protein diet is recommended by P90x. The extra grams of fat, though... not so much. But we'll get there. (I will get over my fro-yo addiction, I will I will!)

As you can see from the pictures, my meal schedule was a little wonky today. I overslept. Big time. Woke up just in time for baked chicken and rice pilaf for breakfast lunch... then had 3 scrambled eggs, broccoli, cucumber, and French dressing for dinner... then I undid all the veggies with frozen yogurt, granola and fruit as a snack. (Bad Kelly! At least it was fat free... but oh, that sugar!)

I was pretty good with the workout tonight. I won't lie, P90x always kicks my butt; but tonight I just kicked and screamed my way through the whole Core Synergistics DVD. I attempted every move at least a couple of times. Eventually, I'll be able to make 'em all pretty, as Tony says. (Confession: I did not do the bonus round. Maybe during phase 2.)

Be back tomorrow!

P.S. I forgot to mention earlier that my plan is to complete P90x lean, then classic, then doubles. Whether or not I climb Mt. Everest afterwards is yet to be decided.

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